Run thousands of your test cases against your model as you make design changes. Always have 100% confidence that what you build locally in the same as what is published
You can choose to remove testing of pricing is removed from your core test suites. Set up alerts to make sure you find out immediately if pricing isn't doing what you expect
Set up alerts for published models, and stay confident that pricing is always delivered to your customers correctly
Speed up automated testing at scale against all pricing changes. Drag-and-drop tests by the thousands in CSV format
View the full test history of each pricing change, and see how pricing has changed over time against your test cases
Compare one set of tests against any previous version to visually understand changes in footprint and pricing
Run your test suites against live endpoints at a click of a button, and ensure your live pricing is always accurate
Interrogate all test cases in detail, and find out exactly what’s causing incorrect prices. Developer and pricing-friendly outputs